(Recording noise) VO: Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States. FDR: My friends, I have recently returned from extensive journeying in the region of the Mediterranean and as far as the borders of[…]
Category: Political Transcription and Captioning
1944, June 12 – FDR – Fireside chat #30 – Opening Fifth War Loan Drive – open captioned
(Recording noise) FDR: Ladies and gentlemen. All our fighting men overseas today have their appointed stations on the far-flung battlefronts of the world. And we at home have ours too. We need, we are proud[…]
1944, June 5 – FDR – Fireside chat #29 – On the Fall of Rome – open captioned
VO: Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. FDR: My Friends, yesterday, on June fourth, 1944, Rome fell to American and Allied troops. The first of the Axis capitals is now in our[…]
1943, Sept 8 – FDR – Fireside chat #26 – Opening Third War Loan Drive – open captioned
FDR: My Fellow Americans, once upon a time, a few years ago, there was a city in our Middle West which was threatened by a destructive flood in the great river. The waters had risen[…]
1943, July 28 – FDR – Fireside chat #25 – On Progress of War and Plans for Peace – open captioned
(Recording noise) VO: Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. FDR: My fellow Americans, over a year and a half ago I said this to the Congress. The militarists in Berlin and Rome[…]
1943, May 2 – FDR – Fireside chat #24 – On the Coal Crisis – open captioned
VO: Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. FDR: My fellow Americans, I am speaking tonight to the American people, and in particular to those of our citizens who are coal miners. Tonight[…]
1942, October 12 – FDR – Fireside chat #23 – Report on the Home Front – open captioned
FDR: My fellow Americans. As you know, I have recently come back from a trip of inspection of camps and training stations and war factories. The main thing that I observed on this trip is[…]
1940, December 29 – FDR – Fireside chat # 16 – On National Security – open captioned
(Inaudible) FDR: My friends, this is not a fireside chat on war. It is a talk on national security, because the nub of the whole purpose of your president is to keep you now, and[…]
1941, December 9 – FDR – Fireside chat #19 – Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation – open captioned
VO: Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. FDR: My fellow Americans, the sudden criminal attacks perpetrated by the Japanese in the Pacific provide the climax of a decade of international immorality. Powerful[…]
1939, Sept 3 – FDR – Fireside chat #14 – On the European War – open captioned
FDR: My countrymen and my friends, tonight my single duty is to speak to the whole of America. Until four-thirty o’clock this morning I had hoped against hope that some miracle would prevent a devastating[…]