My most immediate concern is in carrying out the purposes of the great work program just enacted by the Congress. Its first objective is to put men and women now on the relief rolls to[…]
Category: Political Transcription and Captioning
2015, June 26 – President Obama – Delivers eulogy – open captioned
President Barack Obama: Giving all praise and honor to God. (Applause) The Bible calls us to hope. To persevere, and have faith in things not seen. They were still living by faith when they died,[…]
2015, July 14 – President Obama – Statement on Iran Nuclear Deal – open captioned
Today, after two years of negotiations, the United States, together with our international partners, has achieved something that decades of animosity has not, a comprehensive, long-term deal with Iran that will prevent it from obtaining[…]
Alice’s Restaurant – Original 1967 Recording – closed captioned
This song is called Alice’s Restaurant. It’s about Alice, and the restaurant, but Alice’s restaurant is not the name of the restaurant, that’s just the name of the song. And that’s why I call the[…]
1945, May 8 – President Harry S. Truman – Announcing the Surrender of Germany – open captioned
This is a solemn but a glorious hour. I only wish that Franklin D. Roosevelt had lived to witness this day. General Eisenhower informs me that the forces of Germany have surrendered to the united[…]
1945, August 1 – President Harry S. Truman – Announcing the Surrender of Japan – open captioned
My fellow Americans, Supreme Allied Commander General MacArthur, and allied representatives on the battleship Missouri in Toyko Bay. The thoughts and hopes of all America, indeed of all the civilized world, are centered tonight on[…]
1963, May 30 – VP Lyndon B. Johnson – Remarks at Gettysburg on Civil Rights – open captioned
(Applause) Mr. Ambassador, Distinguished Guests on the rostrum, my fellow Americans. On this hallowed ground, heroic deeds were performed and eloquent words were spoken a century ago. We, the living, have not forgotten and the[…]
1917, April 4 – President Warren G. Harding – The Republic Must Awaken – open captioned
My countrymen, the surpassing war of all times has involved us, and found us utterly unprepared in either a mental or military sense. The Republic must awaken. The people must understand. Our safety lies in[…]
1989, September 5 – George H. W. Bush – Presidential Address National Drug Policy – open captioned
Good evening. This is the first time since taking the oath of office that I felt an issue was so important, so threatening, that it warranted talking directly with you, the American people. All of[…]
2008, March 19 – President George W. Bush – Remarks on the War on Terror – open captioned
(Applause) Thank you all. Uh, Deputy Secretary of England, thanks for the introduction. One boss may not be here, but the other one is. (Laughter) I appreciate your kind words. I’m pleased to be back[…]