Discrete is an adjective meaning individually separate and distinct. Discreet is also an adjective but means to be careful and circumspect in one’s speech or actions, esp. to avoid causing offense or to gain an[…]
Category: Glossary – Grammar
ACS SOP of acceptable terms
Affect and Effect
affect = verb meaning to influence: Will lack of sleep affect your work? effect = noun meaning result or consequence: Will lack of sleep have an effect on your work? effect = verb meaning to[…]
In to and Into
In general, use into when movement, action or a transformation of state occur. In to indicates location or state that is generally more static and not transitional.
Afterall and after all
Afterall isn’t a word. After all is two words. The latter is correct, the former is not.
Then and Than
Than is used in comparison statements; He is smarter than I.Used in statements of preference; I would rather drink than drive.Used to suggest quantities beyond a specified amount; Read more than the last page. Then[…]
How to use -wise
Hyphenate -wise. Length-wise Health-wise Weather-wise
Setup and Set up
Setup is a noun and is one word. They had a great setup at the conference. Set up is a verb and is two separate words. We are going to set up for the conference.
Alright is never all right.
Alright is never all right. Alright is not a word. All right is two words.
Rein, Reign and Rain
Rein, as a noun, is a leather strap fastened to a bridle used to control a horse or other animal. Used as a verb, it means to guide or check the horse or animal; to[…]
Everyday and Every Day
Everyday is a single-word adjective that means daily. Every day is two words and an expression of time, indicating regular, or daily, action. It is a noun (day) modified by an adjective (every). A couple[…]