
Italics are only used in the following instances: Books Movies Magazines TV shows Watercraft Record album titles / CD titles.


[sic] indicates that the passage is just as it appears in its original source. The usual purpose is to inform readers that any errors or apparent errors in the transcribed material are from the speaker[…]

-ible vs -able

If the root is not a complete word, use -ible.– horrible– incredible If the root is a complete word, use -able.– fashionable– laughable


If the words together before the noun modify it, hyphenation is usually necessary. I have a full-time job. My job is full time.

18 year old and 18-year-old boy

Hyphenation is used when a noun is being modified. Eg.  18-year-old boy.  18-year-old modifies boy. You are behaving like a two-year-old. (noun = two-year-old) In this example we’re using that hyphenated phrase with the indefinite[…]